Jimmy Nzioki

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Baesics (Ernest Wamboye w/ Waturi Wamboye) - Book Review

Baesics is a creative concatenation of the modern-day word of endearment familiar to this generation (Bae + Basics = Baesics). The book is penned with a blend of Christian expository teachings on marriage essentials merged with creative fictional accounts. The author’s experience with counselling couples is shown by how he weaves relevant real-life stories into the exquisite prose that dots its pages.

The main emphasis is loving God’s way, from intentionality in dating (read courtship) to marriage. A theocentric worldview is brought to the fore while pitting it against hedonistic and atheistic worldviews concerning courtship and marriage. The reader (affectionately referred to as Beloved by the author) is encouraged to seek after God (the Master), who will then reveal their purpose (Mission) and finally empower them to love their significant other (Mate). Understanding the previous order assures someone of a stronger foundation in handling their relationship.

The first four chapters at the beginning appear rather strenuous and superfluous to the impatient reader, especially one who wants to be thrust immediately into the crux of how to handle a relationship. For an average reader, they might seem overwhelming, but the payoff is worth the effort and investment for those who hang on. Contrary to telling you how to find the One, the author flips the trite script and shows you how to be the One.

The author also highlights the common pitfalls prevalent in our generation in dating, from emotional infidelity to sexual defrauding and a gross lack of accountability. He also debunks common myths surrounding the same while infusing them with the authority of scripture. 

The biggest downside to the book is that the author doesn’t frontload the core message of the book, tempting readers to put it aside prematurely. Some portions of the book might feel didactic, but it sure packs a punch when giving advice. 

Besides this, if you’re looking for a perfect read for you and your partner as you head toward holy matrimony, Baesics will suffice. To those considering dating, this would be a sobering book. It will douse the Hollywood and Disney fantasies that all relationships will be on autopilot to marriage, as it would naturally work out.  

Generally, I’d highly recommend the book to anyone who would need a rock-solid and godly foundation to marry well.